Методическая копилка по английскому язык - Сценарий и презентация к внеклассному мероприятию «Жизнь и творчество Марка Твена»

Методическая копилка по английскому языку


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Сценарий и презентация к внеклассному мероприятию «Жизнь и творчество Марка Твена»


  • To develop free speaking using personal experience and knowledge

  • To exchange opinions in groups and pairs

  • To enrich students with the study of literature

Цели :

  • Ознакомить учащихся с биографией писателя и историей создания «Приключений Гекльберри Финна»

  • Развивать навыки аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи, работая в парах и группах (разноуровневое обучение)

  • Развивать память и логическое мышление

  • Воспитывать уважительное отношение к иностранной культуре и интерес к литературе

Materials: multimedia presentation about Mark Twain’s life, "The Adventures of HucklBerry Finn” cartoon, list with crosswords and different while watching tasks.

Ход мероприятия:

I.Our meeting (Знакомство 8- и 9-классников между собой)

The President (Дуженкова Е.В.): Today we have gathered to celebrate Mark Twain’s birthday by talking about his life, books and quotations. To begin with I’d like you to get acquainted with each other.

I declare the meeting open!!! ( Signal)

The dialogue between eighth and ninth formers:

P1 How many years have you been meeting and working in the club?

P2 What are the main topics discussing in your club?

P3 What was the last theme of your discussion?

P4 How often do you have so unusual meetings?

P5 Have you any traditions in your club?

P6 What do you usually do during your meeting?

II. Speaking about Twain’s life. Watching presentation (презентация биографии Марка Твена, общение в группах )

The President: Now you have time to listen to the speakers in your groups and to discuss.

Samuel Clemens was born on November

30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri, the sixth of seven children. At the age of four, Sam and his family moved to the small frontier town of Hannibal, Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi River.

At 18, Sam headed east to New York City and

Philadelphia where he worked on several different newspapers and found some success at writing articles. By 1857, he had returned home to embark on a new career as a riverboat pilot on the

Mississippi River.

And, in perhaps his most famous work, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)

Clemens satirized the institution of slavery and railed against the failures of Reconstruction and the continued poor treatment of African-Americans overall.

The President: The 8 graders have prepared the information about one of the most famous books by Mark Twain. Once Ernest Hemingway wrote that " All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called " Huckleberry Finn” ". Young actors take the floor!

III.Watching. (просмотр мультфильма «Приключения Гекльберри Финна», озвучивание по ролям эпизода 1, заполнение кроссворда и выполнение заданий к каждому из 10 эпизодов по ходу просмотра мультфильма

While you watch try to sound Episode 1

IV. Pair and group work. Work in pairs and groups and try to fill in the right letters in gaps to understand the crossword.

V. Act out Episode 10 (драматизация )

VI. Checking up and discussing. Smart Board work (интерактивная доска). Crossword.
VII. The President: So, Mark Twain was witty and serious. He is known for his sayings and quotations. I want you try to understand and to discuss some of them.

Our meeting is coming to the end. I declare the meeting closed! (Signal) (Заключительное слово президента клуба).


Друзья сайта

  • Портал Центрального Дома Знаний
  • Центральный Дом Знаний
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